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Save Our Tigers

'Can you help me find my mother, she has left me alone for hunting'-says a two months old cub. He is hungry, scared to make a loud roar and helpless to search his mother. He is trembling with fear and begging to save him out from becoming an orphan.' This is the cry of every cub!

Today, our India is left with only 1411 Tigers and their existence is under threat. 'Save Our Tiger' -the recently launched television commercial by AIRCEL has framed a mission to preserve our wildlife heritage.

The zeal with which the Project Tiger was initiated in 1972, by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has deviated from its ambition. The most recent Tiger Task Force headed by Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh in 2005 has also brought red alert to all poaching networks. But, all legal practices resulted in vain. As of now, out of the 40, 000 population of tigers in the last century, only a mere lives are left.

The Global Tiger Workshop conducted on 2009 highlighted the main cause for the sharp declination in the tiger population. Excessive poaching for illegal trade, habitat loss and fragmentation are major reason behind the plight of this wild animals. The production of traditional medicine is nothing new in this world. But, it's not a good deal to make curing processes at the expense of precious lives. Way back, in 1991, Chinese authorities have disclosed the export of tiger bone medicines, that included 15079 cartoons of tablets, 5250 kg of liquid syrups and 31500 bottles of wine.

Add to this, a most recent study organized by WWF(World Wild Fund) in 2010, stressed on the effect of climate change on the Royal Bengal Tiger. It has been estimated that by 2070, the sea-level will rise to 11.2 inches above 2000 levels and may gulp the entire mangrove forest, of Sunderban National Park (West Bengal). The iconic species is under the spell of greenhouse effect and the world's largest population are likely to disappear by the end of this century.

In this era, number of issues are popping up with or without concern. We, human-beings are the only species to fight against any odds. Lets not cut down the wild habitat and build dream-like houses for ourself. Lets be responsible and put on best effort to help maintain our earth's ecological balance. The heart-touching visual ends up with question mark on our mind. But, can we afford to leave the issue without support? Its high time to hear the cry of our national animal and let them live. 'Save Our Tigers' - Their end indicates the beginning of our end.

Ten Simple Ways to Save the Tigers

Scared, lonely, sad and hungry, jumping at the smallest sound, waiting for his mommy to come back. But maybe she is not coming back. Save our tigers, there are just 1411 - is the tagline of the video being telecast on television all over India.

Looking at the young two months old cub waiting for his mommy in the cave was really touching as he looked lost, alone with no one to console him just like an orphan, who has no idea where to go, whom to go and how to survive. People involved in saving our tigers are urging to use social media to create awareness among each other. So here are ten steps to stop the dwindling population of tigers in India.

1. Create awareness

Anyone and everyone can help if they put their mind to it. So make posters, fliers, shout it out from the roof tops, spread a word; in other words create awareness about the importance of tigers on the planet. Organise birthday parties with tiger theme, parents can take the children to zoo for more information on tigers.

2. Educate the locals

People living near the forests need to be educated about the importance of tigers in terms of ecosystem. They need to be told that if there will be no tigers there will be no forests as all the grass eaters will devour the forests.

3. Stop poaching and don't encourage poachers

Sale of tiger skin and other body parts is banned. So if you find somebody hunting tigers, report them to your local police station or even the forest officials. They will take care of the poachers.

4. Support a cause

Join a cause for tigers. You can join save our tigers and support them by blogging, or by making posters, sending fliers among other things. You can also organise a tiger sale and donate the money to the cause.

5. Severe punishment for poachers

Ensure that the poachers are not allowed to go easily. Make sure that they receive severe punishment for their crime.

6. Ban the goods made of tiger skin

Please do not use goods made of tiger skin. Also please don't use the medicine made out of tiger's body parts. On an average one wild tiger is killed each day for profit killing.

7. Protect forests

In order to save tigers forests need to be protected. Apparently the species are becoming extinct because of the loss of their natural habitat.

8. Take an eco tour

An eco tour that focuses on tigers can be beneficial in making people understand the importance of tigers. Also the money made out of these tours can help in convincing government that tigers can be profitable.

9. Support accredited zoos and wildlife sanctuaries

You can also support various accredited zoos and wildlife sanctuaries in your area. They are active in research and conservation programmes with some of the zoos involved in captive breeding of tigers

10. Donate money to tiger conservation organisations

You can also donate some amount to tiger conservation organisations who are constantly striving to fund money for their research as well as educational programmes on tigers.

These are few of the ways that you can save the tigers from becoming extinct. There were eight species of tigers on the planet earth. However, three of them are already extinct save the rest five. The three species that are extinct now are Bali tigers, Javan tigers and Caspian tigers.

Disclaimer: All material in this article is copyright by Swati Nitin Gupta. No information in this article can be used for any purposes unless expressed consent by Swati Nitin Gupta only. Thanks in advance for your complete adherence and cooperation.

Save Tigers - Only 1411 left in India

I am not one of those great nature and animal lovers whose heart goes out to animals. Which is not to say that it does not pain me when I see bears with jugglers and horses and camels being used for “sawari” in mela, kids and adults as fat as elephants fit to be ridden themselves plonk their behinds on these animals while they shed tears!

It boils my blood when I see all of this…but sadly, I don’t do anything.

I remember having numerous “naughty” conversations with pals about what a beautifully powerful animal a tiger is. Conversations range from how majestic looking a tiger is, what sexy eyes it has, and what an amazing gait!

Only in TV & Books
But, honestly since most of us quit going to zoos before we got into our teens, our image of tigers is relegated to what we have either seen on television or in books.

Each time I have spoken to people who went to Jim Corbett or Ranthambhore to spot tigers, they have only described their sightings of beautiful birds….

This in a way is an indication of how prominent is the danger that tigers find themselves in.

Just 1411 tigers left…aren’t that particularly ominous?

Tiger Tourism?
This was one initiative that truly captured my attention, more so because I recently witnessed how this majestic animal was literally tamed and domesticated.

I had gone to Thailand where for INR 350, you can feed a cub some milk from a feeding bottle…If that is not piteous, and I don’t know what is…

The cub is nearly starved to death, so that the moment a bottle is brought close to its mouth, it suckles at it, without pouncing on a mere human that poses to hold it in his or her lap. It’s a hideous sight. Unfortunately, I was one of the people who willingly posed for this cruel spectacle. The sheer injustice dawned upon me much later.

These safaris to my mind are a mockery of wanting to keep the tigers alive. A tiger or a lion is a majestic animal. Irrespective of the area kept for these animals, you cannot deny the fact that at the end of the day, the tigers are living in captivity, not in their natural abode as they should. Why should that be?

Do your bit
I think we will do nature a great service if we allowed these animals to live in their own habitat. It sounds preachy alright, but all it takes to get you to understand what I am talking about is to go visit a zoo and spot a royal animal like a tiger or a lion in a cage looking helpless.

On an ending note, the least that you can do is when you see a disgusting brat of a kid or his or her more disgusting parent poking the animals at the zoo or pelting stones at them, throw a stone back at them…They deserve it!

Why should we save tigers?

Tigers are on the threshold of extinction. The world is abuzz with news, views and moves in a bid to save the Tiger. With just 1410 left in India as per the last count?the government is tense on how to save the national animal.
CJ: Mahima Sharma Thu, Feb 04, 2010 12:24:17 IST
Views: 892 Comments: 2 Rate:

TIGERS ON the threshold of extinction. According to WWF, Tigers are amongst the ten most endangered species in the world. Over the last century more than 95 per cent of the Tiger population has been wiped out & three sub-species are already extinct. Less than 3500 tigers remain in the wild today with around 50 per cent in India and their numbers are declining fast. The world is abuzz with news, views and moves in a bid to save the Tiger.

With just 1410 tigers left in India as per the last count, the government is worried on how to save the national animal. And thus from cellular phone companies to potato chip manufacturers, every other big brand is being roped in to promote the cause.- a cause that is one of the prime concerns of the nation right now.

But why do we save the tigers? This articles talks about the reason to behind the worldwide movement to save the big cats. In simple words this piece reasons out why you and me, the common man should be interested in saving the tigers. Not only is the tiger a beautiful animal but it is also the indicator of the forest's health.

Saving the tiger means we save the forest since the tiger cannot live in places where trees have vanished and in turn secure food and water for all. If we make sure tigers live, we will have to make sure that deer, antelope and all other animals that the tiger eats or its prey base live.

Save The Tiger In India

Currently the countries of the world are on the way of the development, development like changing world into modern and more facilitate environment such as growing of construction business. Before more years the earth is bounded by greenery, but today that is one the way to lost. Number of the forests is reduced on the earth, so we are facing effect of global warming that is the change of climate on the world.
One look to the India, same situation is here. India is also growing in the development. There are number of the forests in the India can be reduced, that affects the live life of animals, birds. Everyone of the world come together for protect live life.
Yesterday when I was watching the television i had seen one advertisement that is 'Save the Tigers in India'. This message is for every Indians of the earth for saving the tiger because today number of tiger is decreased compared to last years.
Tiger is the national animal of India. Tiger shows strength and huge power of India. Tiger is the pride of India. Tiger is the Indian pride so its time for every Indian comes together for taking steps for saving the tiger in India.
Today the world is developed with powerful technology so you can use the many techniques to save the tigers in India like sms, blogs, articles, advertisement. This process becomes one of the most effective steps to give sound to the Indians for saving tiger life.
Every message becomes nearer step to save tigers in India.

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