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Tigers in Tibetan Culture

Tibetan Tiger by Losan Gyatso. Commissioned by Forever TigersThroughout the ages, Tibetans have held the Tiger in high esteem and imbued it with a sense of mythical wonder. It is considered the undisputed master of its realm and the Tibetan word for tiger, 'Taak', is used as a metaphor to describe a person who is bold and fearless in life. As a cultural symbol, the Tiger is one of the five magical and auspicious animals along with the Snowlion, Garuda, Dragon and Windhorse that adorn the colorful fabric prayer-flags fluttering on roofs and treetops across Tibet. And as a spiritual icon, the Tiger sometimes represents the wild and powerful forces of the untamed mind and therefore certain deities and meditation masters are depicted riding tigers to connote their state of mental transcendence.

In reality, today, the two types of tigers found in Tibet have virtually disappeared in the last forty years, along with many other wildlife, due to wide scale military hunting for trade in skin and Chinese 'remedies'. It is an unconscionable loss for the environment of Tibet and the world..

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